“I am no salesman for Isabel but…I can strongly vouch that the DSP has shattered all the myths about healthy body fat loss”
“I started on your DSP and lost 3.3 Ibs in the first
week and a total of 5.5 Ibs within the targeted two weeks. Although I
didn’t lose the maximum 10 Ibs, I was totally on cloud nine because I
had never lost so much weight in two weeks in my life. What amazed me
most was that my total body fat reading showed a whopping reduction of
33 to 15 and at the same time my muscle mass has increased. I’ve
continued with DSP by religiously abstaining from all white foods,
confining myself to just plain water and Chinese tea and dropping off
wheat totally from all my meals. Guess what? I dropped another 9.5 Ibs
making that a total of 15 lbs over the course of a month. Initially, I
was apprehensive as to whether a massive loss of 15 Ibs over four weeks
would affect my energy levels. I was happy to discover that I was able
to walk briskly for 2 to 3 hours in the morning and run for 90 minutes
in the evening. I am no salesman for Isabel but when results are
emerging consistently, then I should give credit when it’s due. I
thought it would be very difficult for a 54-year old to lose weight but I
can strongly vouch that DSP has shattered all the myths and erroneous
information about healthy body fat loss and revitalization of one’s
energy. I feel young again and it’s like getting a second wind in life.
Now aging becomes an enjoyable and graceful process for me.”
“Foods That I Hardly Ate in the Past are Now Part of my Diet!”
Constantinos Alkides
“I am very excited to have been literally educated on
nutrition through the Diet Solution Program. I never had a problem with
excess weight, yet I have always wanted to become leaner and drop my fat
percentage. I achieved that within 12 weeks of applying the DSP’s
concepts. There can’t be any better source of information for anyone
interested in lowering fat levels or increasing muscle mass. But besides
these targets, what is most important about this system is that it
introduces the natural and healthy way of eating which subsequently
leads to a happy lifestyle.
The combination of DSP along with intensive resistance training and
interval cardio worked so well for me. I managed to achieve my goal
while enjoying five meals a day rich in protein, carbohydrates and fat.
Foods that I hardly ate in the past are now part of my diet, like
sardines, anchovies, mackerel, raw cheese, sprouted spelt and almond
butter. I have never been a good cook myself, now I have improved
because I have learned how to combine protein/carbs/fat and this
knowledge has triggered my interest towards preparing all my meals by
myself. Not that I do not enjoy a cheat meal once a week, I do so
happily (I go for a chocolate cake once in a while). I used to consume a
lot of chocolate in the past, but by the time I managed to go on a
balanced diet through DSP’s way, my body stopped craving sweets. DSP’s
suggestion on going organic is crucial. I believe that foods free from
antibiotics, hormones and other substances can help a great deal. I
avoid anything with ingredients I do not understand. I go for the easy
way and that is ‘single ingredient food’. My target now is to gain some
muscle mass and substitute the weight that I lost in fat, with solid
muscle. I do hope that I will see the results that I expect as I did
during my effort for fat loss. But even if I don’t manage to build the
amount of muscle I want, I will still be glad in that I have finally
found the right way for healthy eating and a happy lifestyle.”
“I am fit at 60 years old”
David Braun
“I really enjoy your e-mails. I am fit at 60 years old
and have always subscribed to a healthy diet with adequate exercise.
Your constant input has been a positive reinforcment of my lifestyle
choices. I wondered if some of the younger men would recieve some
confidence to realize their bodies don’t have to look bad at 60 if they
saw my photo. Keep up the encouragement!”
“Better Than The Rest!”
Melissa Wright
“The Diet Solution Program is definitely much better
than Dr. Suzanne’s Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, Strip That Fat and Warp
Speed Fat Loss. Hands down, this is definitely one of the best, and
possibly the most comprehensive weight loss guide I’ve read so far. What
I really like is your Quick Start Guide which clearly sets a pathway to
weight loss success, provided the reader implements the instructions
inside this manual. In addition, the Action Steps included at the end of
every topic make sure the reader fully grasps the content well and
implements the strategies accordingly. With The Shopping List and
Recipes, I don’t see any excuse why the reader would face any problems
in losing those extra pounds. I feel really privileged to have been
invited to review the content of this amazing book.
…definitely one of the best!”“The doctors tell me I’m a pure miracle. It’s no miracle, it’s my daughter’s nutrition plan!”
Pilar De Los Rios
“I’ve been overweight my whole life. My complete lack of
knowledge about proper nutrition and health led to Adult Onset Diabetes
which eventually affected my kidneys and landed me on dialysis. If I
only knew that the consequences of unhealthy eating were going to be as
severe as dialysis, I might have started a weight loss program a lot
sooner. Four years into my dialysis treatments (that’s 3x’s a week of 4
hour painful, hospital treatments-not a pleasant experience) I was
finally called in for a kidney transplant. That was only half the
battle. Now taking care of my new kidneys was entirely up to me. In all
the time leading up to my transplant, I never followed through with my
daughter’s nutritional suggestions. Here, perfect strangers were paying
her hundreds of dollars for her nutrition advice, and I never believed I
had the “will power” to do it. After my surgery, I made the choice to
put my trust in my daughter’s nutrition plan instead of listening to the
hospital dietitian. The hospital’s plan was almost the exact opposite
of what Isabel was recommending, but based on her previous results with
hundreds of clients, I knew that was the best choice for me.
The doctor warned me that the heavy steroids I was taking
post-transplant would cause immediate weight gain (30-40 lbs in most
people). To his surprise in the first 3 months after my surgery I lost
25 lbs and that was on the steroids. He said he never saw someone lose
weight like this. My blood work was so great, he began to take me off my
medications, one by one. First the blood pressure medication went, then
the cholesterol medication went, and then the insulin was almost
completely eliminated. Now, this is almost unheard of in a 65 year old
diabetic who has undergone kidney transplant. Normally in these cases
you are completely dependent on medication to keep your blood sugar,
cholesterol and blood pressure under control.
Now one year later, I am 40 pounds lighter! The doctors tell me I’m a
pure miracle. It’s no miracle, it’s my daughter’s nutrition plan! I have
never felt better in my life. I have more energy now at 65 than I ever
did at 30, 40 or 50. I am going to live every day like it’s my last and
will not deviate from my incredible new eating regimen. I can’t believe I
didn’t follow Isabel’s nutrition plan earlier. It’s really so simple
and it has given me my life back. I wish I would have known this
information 10 years ago and maybe my health struggles would have not
been so severe. There is no need for you to go through the same struggle
I did. Please don’t suffer the same consequences of your unhealthy
weight. Remember these consequences are much greater than just a few
extra numbers on the scale. Your health and your life is literally
dependent on it.”
Living life at a higher level as a mom.
Teaque Shuey
“This year I gave myself the best birthday present, The
Diet Solution Program! With Isabel’s meal plans I lost 15 pounds and 8
total inches off my body. And the best part was that I did it in less
than 6 weeks. My favorite part was I never felt hungry on the plan and
sticking to it was a lot easier than I thought. This program was so
different than all the others I had tried in the past because I was
never hungry and I lost weight. I couldn’t believe it. I always thought
you had to go hungry to lose weight but Isabel’s program taught me
otherwise. Now, I continue to practice the wonderful nutrition
principles I learned in The Diet Solution Program and have been able to
maintain my weight loss. Thank you Isabel for creating a program that
was easy to follow and proved great results!”
“I Now Weigh 190 in Large Part because of Your Expertise.”
Al Beauchesne
“Let me start from the beginning. In March of 2003 I was
injured at work and had to have five surgeries in the next several
years to finally repair my right shoulder. The last one in 2007 was the
final and most painful of them all. I had to be hospitalized for three
and a half months before I could return home on my own. I weighed 242lbs
in April of 2007. I began going online to find out the most effective
methods of getting back into shape. I found a few methods written by
body builders/nutritionists that seem to work. I lifted weights for
years throughout the late seventies, eighties and into the nineties. I
knew how to exercise but because of my injury I had to work around many
obstacles. I was doing OK then one day I found your site and downloaded
your book. It has been the most useful of all. I now weigh 190 in large
part because of your expertise. Thanks for your continuing support.”
Further to your problem thedietsolutionprogram.com
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